Contact Us

Have general questions about the meeting or program?

Contact these two fine gentlemen:

Jeff Falke, President-elect Alaska Chapter American Fisheries Society,


Brian Missildine, President Western Division American Fisheries Society, [email protected]).



Additional contact information for specific committees can be found below:

Program Committee:
Mike Daigneault (AK AFS Co-chair) [email protected]
Jackie Watson (WD AFS Co-chair) [email protected]

Arrangements & Accommodations: 
Hamachan Hamazaki [email protected]

Jon Gerkin (AK AFS Chair)  [email protected]
Cleve Steward (WD AFS Chair) [email protected]

Banquet, Socials, and Entertainment:
Bert Lewis (Chair) [email protected]

Budget and Finance:
Lee Ann Gardner (AK AFS Co-chair) [email protected]
Tracy Wendt (WD AFS Co-chair) [email protected]

Field Trips:
Dan Rinella [email protected]

APU students [email protected]

Publicity & Outreach:
Jimmy Fox (Chair) [email protected]

Registration & Event Management:
Tyler Dann (Chair) [email protected]

Trade Show:

Kevin Foley (AK AFS Co-Chair) [email protected]

Jon Adsem (Vendor Co-Chair)  [email protected]

Travel Grants:
Dan Dauwalter (WD Chair) [email protected]

Joel Markis (Co-chair extraordinaire) [email protected]
Mary Beth Loewen (Co-chair Extra-extraordinaire) [email protected]